CGI: Prizes for Points

Kopio Nimetön suunnittelumalli (4)

CGI is a global IT and business consulting services company with operations in over 40 countries.
CGI Finland employs nearly 4,000 people.


CGI emphasises the importance of a healthy work community and a collaborative working atmosphere in its corporate culture and business. CGI wants to support its staff working in different locations with high-quality and diverse wellbeing activities.

CGI Finland chose HeiaHeia as one of its wellbeing partners, with whom the company has been implementing versatile wellbeing activities for several years now. In early 2023, driven by good results, the use of HeiaHeia was extended to CGI's staff in Poland and the Baltic countries.


CGI chose HeiaHeia in particular for its rich wellbeing challenges, gamified elements and collaborative features. In addition, CGI valued the possibility to  implement unit-specific wellbeing challenges for different CGI business units, a wide range of language versions, CGI's occupational health partner Mehiläinen's content library in the HeiaHeia app, and comprehensive interfaces to various smart devices as positive differentiators. These features enable HeiaHeia to provide CGI with a clear and comprehensive annual package that is easy to manage and maintain.



With a large workforce and varied job descriptions, CGI needs to be agile and scalable. CGI therefore uses a three-element approach to HeiaHeia.

  1. Every CGI employee has access to HeiaHeia Pro, a versatile wellbeing app that promotes personal wellbeing. The app gives employees access to HeiaHeia's office workout programs and videos, among other things. 

  2. An incentive model integrated into HeiaHeia builds and sustains a corporate culture that values wellbeing. Every month, one lucky CGI employee gets a Garmin activity device  by collecting wellbeing points.

  3. HeiaHeia wellbeing challenges provide fun and inspiring wellness activities for CGI employees, while fostering a sense of community and interaction across team, unit and country boundaries. The wellbeing challenges are organised a few times a year and are designed in partnership with CGI, using CGI's key wellbeing themes.


The approach of combining HeiaHeia measures with the themes and measures of the CGI's annual calendar of wellbeing has been a success. Exercise and wellbeing challenges with various themes have inspired a large number of CGI employees to get involved and participate in joint wellbeing activities time and time again. Here are a few examples of measures taken in recent years:

- In November 2021, during the Ergonomics Month, a webinar was organised to raise awareness of the ergonomic tips and break exercise available in HeiaHeia, in cooperation with the CGI wellbeing team and CGI occupational health.

- In autumn 2023, the theme was nutrition. CGI employees were encouraged to participate in the "Meatless October" challenge, where they were challenged to collect climate-friendly and health-promoting fish and vegetarian dishes. During the month, CGI employees reduced their carbon emissions by a total of about 429 kilograms.

- In May 2023, CGI celebrated Mind Wellbeing Month with a Mind Your Wellbeing challenge in HeiaHeia. Participants advanced on a game board by executing various behaviors that promote mind and body wellbeing, unlocking content packs on six distinct everyday topics that encourage mental wellbeing along the way.

In addition to the wellbeing challenges, an incentive model integrated into HeiaHeia motivated CGI participants to collect wellbeing points. For example, participants collect points by exercising, sleeping, performing wellbeing micro-activities and encouraging their colleagues. So far, dozens of CGI employees have won a Garmin device by collecting points and investing in their own wellbeing.

In addition to their collective wellbeing activities, CGI employees make extensive use of the content and functionality of the HeiaHeia Pro app. Some use the app to add movement to their everyday lives by tracking their daily steps and setting step goals. Others unwind in the evenings with home yoga provided by the app, while others use the app's statistics to track their exercise goals and progress.

So far, the people of CGI have achieved the following:

🔹 Logged more than 230,000 entries on HeiaHeia
✅ Completed more than 50,000 wellbeing micro-treatments
🚴‍♂️ Accumulated more than 100,000 hours of movement and physical activity
👟 Taken over 1 billion steps in total
👏 Encouraged each other tens of thousands of times 
🧘‍♂️ Completed thousands of health and fitness programs


CGI's Year of Wellbeing approach has proven to be successful and has inspired a large number of employees to get involved. HeiaHeia offers a clear and manageable package whose three elements - the personalised app, the community wellbeing challenges and the incentive model linked to wellbeing points - complement each other, inspire participants throughout the year and integrate into CGI's wider wellbeing activities.

"Our cooperation with HeiaHeia has been successful and agile. We love the fact that the content of the challenges is designed in collaboration with CGI and how the design incorporates CGI's key wellbeing themes, so using HeiaHeia helps us achieve our wellbeing goals."

Laura Sormunen, Health and Wellbeing Manager, CGI



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